The world equates success with outcomes like promotions, closing a big deal, and making your first million. While these are all wonderful to have, the chase to attain these things often includes great sacrifices and immense stress. But while the world may define success and the means to achieve it as “no pain, no gain,” God has a different and higher way for us.
In our last digital care group of the year, hear our pastors and leaders talk more about God’s definition of success and learn how you can thrive in every area of your life!
For notes and resources, visit
In our last care group session of the year, Pastor Darren Sim is joined by Pastor Josh Holohan and his wife, Lindsay Holohan, as...
In this care group, Pastor Darren Sim and Pastor Josh Holohan talk with other members of the GRC Online family about the digital church...
What comes to your mind when you think of having a prayer life? Does it bring up images of long hours spent praying on...