2023 is the Kairos Year Of Right Time, Right Place! We all want to be in the right place, at the right time, all the time, but how do we make that happen? And is there any way we can create these right happenings for us and our loved ones?
In this first digital care group of the year, hear our pastors and leaders talk more about what the theme of the year means to us, and learn how you can experience many favorable God-orchestrated happenings and blessings this 2023!
For notes and resources, visit https://gracerevonline.com/podcast
In this care group session, our GRCO Pastors, Pastor Josh Holohan and Pastor Darren Sim, talk more about the theme: Reign in Life. Notes...
How’s your heart doing today? Is it troubled, carefree, or have you been feeling anxious now— more than ever? Ever wondered why? In a...
Request the brand-new grace tract The Life You Are Called to Live for free—just pay shipping and handling*: https://gracerevonline.com/called *Available only in the US....